LONDON - Scientists warn of a Solar Storm starting today until three days into the future. When the sky is clear, the particles of solar storms that will menabarak sun will produce the Northern Lights or Aurora is amazing.
But the downside is, as a result of this solar storm particles may cause the radiation from flares or coronal mass ejection (CME), which causes magnetic storms. This impact on ganggungan radio signals on Earth that could make him paralyzed.
This is a cycle that occurs for 11 years. The increase in the sun is indeed common, and will peak in 2013.
"Hurricane geomagnetis category G1 (minor) predicted occurred 28 and December 29 due to the arrival of several times the CME. Nuisance radio signals category R1 (minor) will occur until December 31," says The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center, as reported by Daily Mail, Friday (30/12/2011).
As a result of this Flare magnetic storms, the earth will experience signal interference which makes the operation of tools such as GPS systems, radios and cell phones have disorder.
CME cycle contains billions of tons of gas that exploded with the X-ray radiation and ultra violet. This radiation is emitted into space at speeds of about 5 million miles per hour. CME has tikngkat high heat, which reached approximately 100 million degrees Celsius.
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